Human Capital Development expertise services Lot 1: Expertise provision, 22ETF03 2022-2026

Country: ETF Partner countries: Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kygryzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan), Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine), Russia*, Southern & Estern Mediterranean (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia), Western Balkans (Albania, BiH,Kosovo, Montenegro, N.Macedonia, Serbia) & Turkey. *
Year: 2022- 2026
Client: ETF

Specific Expertise

INCOM Ltd Greece, member of the consortium led by DMI Associates France with partnership of DevAid Cyprus, has been awarded a Framework Contract of the European Training Foundation (ETF) on “Human Capital Development expertise services” Lot 1: Expertise provision, 22ETF03 2022-2026.

Senior and Junior experts from the ETF Partner countries* and the European Union are welcome to apply for the forthcoming short-term assignments related to the thematic areas* to INCOM through: ;

The objective of the requested service is to ‘provide consultancy services in support of the ETF expertise in the field of Human Capital Development (HCD), specifically to Lot 1: Expertise provision.

To contract specific services and to ensure the availability of external expertise, when required, to support the development and implementation of ETF activities in the HCD.

The services may be requested in the ETF Activity areas[1]*: Active Labour Market, Adult Learning, Big data in LMI, Big Data use in HCD, Career Guidance, Digital and Online learning, Digital credentials, Digital Transition, Financing, Gender, Governance, Green Transition, Innovation, Teaching and Learning, Key Competences, Lifelong learning, Market Analysis, Micro credentials, Migration, Private sector skills, Qualifications, Quality Assurance,  Recognition and Validation, Skills Anticipation, Smart Specialisation, Vocational Excellence, Work Based Learning,  Youth (*not exhaustive list, where ETF work,  additional or new, complementary areas might be requested).

The typical expertise areas could also include related skills such as project management, stakeholder engagement, monitoring, tools development, innovation and innovative practices and methods of project design, monitoring and implementation etc


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