Market Surveillance Capacity Development, Northern Cyprus EuropeAid/140609/DH/SER/CY.1 (Phase I & Phase II)

Country: Northern Cyprus
Year: 2022- 2026
Client: EC

Specific Expertise

The purpose of this project, including its first and second phase, is to facilitate the Turkish-Cypriot Community (TCc) to transition from a system based on pre-permits to a market surveillance system in line with EU acquis:

A. strengthening the capacity of relevant market surveillance ‘institutions’ in selected non-food sectors and horizontal matters. Sectors covered in first phase of project include: toys, textiles, machinery, gas burning appliances and terminal equipment. In the second phase of the project support should also be extended to detergents and cosmetics. Support to the horizontal sectors CE Marking, Conformity Assessment & Notified Bodies);

B. identifying the needs and preparing an IT infrastructure supply proposal to appropriately support the integral implementation of the market surveillance system;

C. developing and subsequently supporting the implementation of market surveillance strategies and action plans including by training product inspectors and supporting relevant awareness raising activities;

D. monitoring the use of product testing and metrology equipment procured.

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