The overall objective of the project was to empower local actors in Gagauzia to enable them to implement and monitor development priorities in cooperation with Moldovan central authorities, to provide support building the capacity of local authorities to implement regional development related activities according to the standards and practices in other regions (south, centre and north regions). The project delivered regional strategic planning support and support to project formulation for accessing regional development funds. Three overall activities were implemented: 1. Analytics enabling us to support the creation of a Sector Working Group on Tourism Development and work together with RDA and SWG – and other development partners - to develop the sector plan for tourism development and an adjoint project pipeline. 2. Capacity building, creation of a knowledge base and information events for 7 different target groups, incl. local, regional and national actors. 3.Support to the establishment and implementation of CBM IV, a regionally managed grant scheme for local small-scale infrastructure under the headline “economic development”, which is a regional priority for ATU Gagauzia and a development priority for the state of Moldova.