Title | Country | Specific Expertise | Client | Year |
Certification for Ethical and Regulatory Transparency in Artificial Intelligence (CERTAIN) HORIZON-CL4-2024-DATA-01 | EU+WORLDWIDE | The aim of the project is to create a cohesive and compliant ecosystem for AI stakeholders, fostering trust, transparency, and innovation in the European data economy. Through collaboration and standardisation, the project aims to empower organisations to navigate complex regulatory landscapes, embrace cutting-edge technologies, and drive sustainable growth in the data market and AI sector. Ultimately, the project seeks to establish a framework that promotes responsible AI development, enhances data governance practices, and maximises the societal benefits of AI innovation for a diverse set of actors. There are 8 Working packages in this project and each WP is focused on specific assigned tasks:
INCOM involvement corresponds 5 of the 8 Working Packages of the project with particular involvement in WP3: Requirements, legal, ethical and societal aspects & WP4 Tools for data holders and dataspaces (DS). | EC | 2025- 2028 |
Market Surveillance Capacity Development, Northern Cyprus EuropeAid/140609/DH/SER/CY.1 (Phase I & Phase II) | Northern Cyprus | The purpose of this project, including its first and second phase, is to facilitate the Turkish-Cypriot Community (TCc) to transition from a system based on pre-permits to a market surveillance system in line with EU acquis: A. strengthening the capacity of relevant market surveillance ‘institutions’ in selected non-food sectors and horizontal matters. Sectors covered in first phase of project include: toys, textiles, machinery, gas burning appliances and terminal equipment. In the second phase of the project support should also be extended to detergents and cosmetics. Support to the horizontal sectors CE Marking, Conformity Assessment & Notified Bodies); B. identifying the needs and preparing an IT infrastructure supply proposal to appropriately support the integral implementation of the market surveillance system; C. developing and subsequently supporting the implementation of market surveillance strategies and action plans including by training product inspectors and supporting relevant awareness raising activities; D. monitoring the use of product testing and metrology equipment procured. | EC | 2022- 2026 |
LOT 4 : Human development and safety net - Support to the implementation of the European Union action “Youth Training and Leadership Opportunities” | Myanmar | The global objective of the assignment is to strengthen the European Union's engagement in | EC | 2022- 2025 |
Human Capital Development expertise services Lot 1: Expertise provision, 22ETF03 2022-2026 | ETF Partner countries: Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kygryzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan), Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine), Russia*, Southern & Estern Mediterranean (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia), Western Balkans (Albania, BiH,Kosovo, Montenegro, N.Macedonia, Serbia) & Turkey. * | INCOM Ltd Greece, member of the consortium led by DMI Associates France with partnership of DevAid Cyprus, has been awarded a Framework Contract of the European Training Foundation (ETF) on “Human Capital Development expertise services” Lot 1: Expertise provision, 22ETF03 2022-2026. Senior and Junior experts from the ETF Partner countries* and the European Union are welcome to apply for the forthcoming short-term assignments related to the thematic areas* to INCOM through: www.incomconsulting.gr; recruitment@incomconsulting.gr ; viola@incomconsulting.gr The objective of the requested service is to ‘provide consultancy services in support of the ETF expertise in the field of Human Capital Development (HCD), specifically to Lot 1: Expertise provision. To contract specific services and to ensure the availability of external expertise, when required, to support the development and implementation of ETF activities in the HCD. The services may be requested in the ETF Activity areas[1]*: Active Labour Market, Adult Learning, Big data in LMI, Big Data use in HCD, Career Guidance, Digital and Online learning, Digital credentials, Digital Transition, Financing, Gender, Governance, Green Transition, Innovation, Teaching and Learning, Key Competences, Lifelong learning, Market Analysis, Micro credentials, Migration, Private sector skills, Qualifications, Quality Assurance, Recognition and Validation, Skills Anticipation, Smart Specialisation, Vocational Excellence, Work Based Learning, Youth (*not exhaustive list, where ETF work, additional or new, complementary areas might be requested). The typical expertise areas could also include related skills such as project management, stakeholder engagement, monitoring, tools development, innovation and innovative practices and methods of project design, monitoring and implementation etc * https://www.etf.europa.eu/en/regions-and-countries?field_related_regions_target_id_verf=Al | ETF | 2022- 2026 |
2.3 Qualifications | Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Jordan | Global Inventory of National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks – data collection and for selected NQF country chapters. The objective of the assignment is to contribute to development of the next edition of the Global Inventory of National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks (GINRQF, or the Inventory). | ETF | December 2024- March 2025 |
2.4 Vocational Excellence | EU | Green CoVEs: Advancing Skills for Climate Action. The objective of the assignment is to support ENE’s green initiative GRETA, to facilitate CoVEs in their efforts to contribute to the greening of VET as response to the green and digital transition. | ETF | December 2024- May 2025 |
2.2 Active labour market policies and transition to work | Montenegro | Policy advice on outreach to young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) in Montenegro. The overall objective of this assignment is to support the Ministry of Labour, Employment agency and municipalities in selected pilot regions by supporting the development of a comprehensive, practical and actionable proposal for an outreach approach towards NEETs. | ETF | December 2024- November 2025 |
2.7 System Change and Life-long Learning | Egypt | Torino Process review of policies for lifelong learning in Egypt: Internationalisation of Applied Technology Schools (ATS) in Egypt. The objective of the requested service is to support ETF in carrying out a review of policies for lifelong learning (LLL) in Egypt, with a specific focus on internationalisation of Applied Technology Schools (ATS) and the benefits this process could provide to the rest of the national VET system. | ETF | December 2024- July 2025 |
WP-GOVQA 2024 | EU | Case studies to build knowledge about the EU Member States’ governance practices in the Youth Guarantee. The objective of this requested service was to prepare and write 3 case studies on the governance of YG scheme in Belgium, Estonia and Slovenia, with focus on participatory governance practices. | ETF | September 2024- December 2024 |
3100 / 2.7 System change and Lifelong learning | ETF partner countries | Torino Process Level 1 system monitoring 2024 In the current round of the Torino Process, the European Training Foundation (ETF) is combining the monitoring of VET policy and system performance (so-called Level 1 of country participation in the TRP) with an in-depth review of policies and arrangements in areas which are of importance for system performance in a lifelong learning perspective and are of priority for participating countries (so-called Level 2 of country participation in the TRP). | ETF | August 2024- December 2024 |
2.2 Active labour market policies and transition to work | Algeria | Système d'apprentissage en Algérie. Le service demandé consiste à produire une analyse concise par le biais de recherches documentaires, cartographiant les initiatives existantes d'apprentissage en milieu de travail (WBL) et à présenter les principaux résultats aux parties prenantes clés en Algérie. | ETF | October 2024- May 2025 |
WP2024 2.3 Qualifications | Algeria | Améliorer l'équivalence et la transparence des diplômes d'EFP algériens, y compris des informations clés sur le système national de certification et sur la validation des acquis de l’expérience The obgective of this assignment is to support production of a background report on improving equivalence and transparency of Algerian VET diplomas, including key information on the national qualification system and on validation of non-formal and informal learning. | ETF | September 2024- January 2025 |
WP-LABMKT 2024 | Ukraine | Mapping and analysis of existing work-based learning (WBL) initiatives in Ukraine. The objective of this assigment is to produce concise country analyses, which will map the existing WBL initiatives and present the current state of affairs in Ukraine | ETF | September 2024- March 2025 |
2.3 Qualifications | North Macedonia | Preparation of training materials for validation assessors and counsellors from three Regional VET Centres in North Macedonia and support in the delivery of training alongside ETF and the Macedonian Adult Education Centre. The objective of the requested service is to support the Ministry of Education of North Macedonia in delivery of training for practitioners who will provide the service of validation of non-formal and informal learning in three Regional VET Centres (RVETCs) in Ohrid, Tetovo and Kumanovo. | ETF | April 2024- June 2024 |
2.4 Vocational Excellence | Moldova | Support to the quality assurance mechanisms within Centres of Excellence in Moldova The orjective of the requested service was to: | ETF | March 2024- December 2024 |
WP-VOCEX/ 2.4 Centres of Excellence 2024 | EU/ ETF partner countries | Conceptual development, Coaching and Facilitation on Ecosystem engagement The main objectives of the requested service are: | ETF | March 2024- October 2024 |
2.5 Innovative teaching and learning | Albania, North Macedonia | Support the use of SELFIE for TEACHERS (SfT) in Albania and in North Macedonia. In this assignment, the ETF, in partnership with the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (DG-JRC) have designed a regional multi-year initiative to promote and introduce the SfT tool in the Western Balkans. It aims to support digital education reforms in the region, focusing on enhancing teachers' digital competence. | ETF | January 2024- September 2024 |
2.7 System Change and Lifelong Learning | Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey | Implementation of the monitoring process of the Osnabruck Declaration and EU Council Recommendation on VET in the EU candidate countries (continuation of OF ETF.96742) The aim of the requested service is to contract the necessary in-country technical support with a team of experts for carrying out the annual monitoring process of the EU Council Recommendation on VET and the Osnabrück Declaration in the five EU candidate countries – Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye – in 2023 and start of 2024. | ETF | December 2023- November 2024 |
2.5 Innovative Teaching and Learning | Ukraine | Continuation of Ukraine emergency support – UA Re-Emerge(ncy): e-learning and skills development to rebuild Ukraine The current ETF expert assignment is the continuation of Ukraine emergency support under the CNL’s “UA Re-Emerge(ncy): e-learning and skills development to rebuild Ukraine” activity. | ETF | September 2023- November 2024 |
2.7 System Change and Life-long Learning | Kosovo | Torino Process 2022-2024 Level 1 System performance monitoring- Kosovo contin (2.7) The objective of the requested service is to support ETF and the Kosovo national Torino Process (TRP) coordinatortor to monitor the performance of education and training systems regarding the creation and maintenance of good and equitable opportunities for lifelong learning; and to review the policies which influence that performance so that it can recommend improvements. | ETF | July 2023 - September 2023 |
2.4 Vocational Excellence | Home /Online | Support to the ENE green initiative GRETA (Greening Responses to Excellence through Thematic Actions). The aim of GRETA is to support CoVEs in their efforts to contribute to the greening of VET as response to the green and digital transition. | ETF | July 2023 - March 2024 |
DARYA | Central Asia | Fostering regional dialogue and cooperation mechanisms on skills development for employment in Central Asia. The overall objective of DARYA is ‘to contribute to post-COVID recovery in Central Asia by fostering improved employability of young people in the region through inclusive and labour-market oriented skills development’ | ETF | June 2023 - February 2024 |
T4 Support to the preparation of an action in the TVET sector in Rwanda | Rwanda | Provision of analysis and recommendations on Centres of Excellence in Rwanda. The assignment will focus on the provision of complementary expertise in the field TVET and preferably in the Centres of excellence in Rwanda. The expert will support the ETF in information and data compilation on current and planned activities of VET authorities and other players (e.g donors) in the field of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs).
| ETF | June 2023 - December 2023 |
Project 2.7 System change and lifelong learning | Georgia, Morocco, Tunisia | Expertise support in the field of skills and migration As a specific objective ETF intends to conduct an analysis and produce a policy brief[1] focusing on low and medium skilled migrant women with the aim to a) understand how their skills and qualifications pathways in a life-long learning (LLL) perspective are currently shaped and how they could be better valued and used; and b) formulate recommendations for public and private organisations in education and training on how to better address the skills and qualifications’ needs of migrant women to improve their economic integration in the destination countries and in the origin countries when addressing returning itineraries. [1] For desired structure example of ETF policy brief: Skilling for the green transition | ETF (europa.eu)
| ETF | March 2023 - December 2023 |
WP 2023 – LABMKT | Armenia | Work-based Learning: mapping of models and practices for training of VET teachers and in-company trainers (mentors, instructors) The objective of this assignment is to support the work of the National Working Group on WBL, as requested at Ministerial level. The idea is to produce a mapping of models and practices for training of VET teachers and in-company trainers. This objective is pursued through the work of a national expert. | ETF | May 2023 - December 2023 |
2.7 System Change and Life-long Learning | Bosnia and Hercegovina | Torino Process Review of policies for lifelong learning in Bosnia and Hercegovina. The objective of the requested service is to support ETF in carrying out a review of policies for lifelong learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a specific focus on work-based learning, understood more broadly as educational and training programmes and strategies which promote the labour market relevance of learning by providing learners with a possibility to apply their skills and knowledge in real-life settings. | ETF | May 2023 - March 2024 |
Innovative teaching and learning 2.5 | Jordan and Palestine | Innovation in Adult Learning and Education (PIALE) in Jordan and Palestine. This assignment is part of the Creating New Learning (CNL) initiative of ETF. CNL is a multi-annual ETF initiative under the ETF 2027 Strategy which supports its broader thematic focus and the vision of the ETF as a global knowledge hub in human capital development. The aim of CNL is to identify solutions that could be applied to boost innovation in vocational teaching and learning in different national contexts. Through the initiative we want to build new networks, a body of knowledge and identify and develop tools that can support the countries in transforming learning. | ETF | May 2023 - January 2024 |
WP-LABMKT 2023 | Lebanon | Policy Advice on Career Guidance and Counselling in Lebanon ETF seeks to mobilize local expertise services for the support to Career Guidance and Counselling in Lebanon. Within this assignment the expert will work in close coordination with the ETF team that will contribute actively to all the below activities by steering tht process with the national authorities and by providing expertise input in all the main areas as TVET, General Education and the related costing and funding elements. | ETF | April 2023 - November 2023 |
2.9 EU and GEO priorities | Georgia | Expertise in Georgia for Skills Related Complementary Measures in EU financed DCFTA-SME development Programme and pre-identification of a new EU intervention. This assignment aims to provide national expertise and support to the ETF in the design of 3 complementary projects which the ETF has agreed to carry out with the EU Delegation to Georgia: 1) twinning project fiche with Skills Agency, 2) twinning project fiche with Labour Inspection Service and 3) Call for Proposal in skills development the area of green transition and energy efficiency. All projects form a part of the EU financed Programme: Support to the Implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area and Small and Medium Enterprise development in Georgia. In addition the assignment supports the ETF expert team in identification of EU support for 2024. | ETF | March 2023 - June 2023 |
Provision of expertise support in the formulation of a new EU intervention in the field of TVET in Egypt | Egypt | Tvet Expert to support the ETF in the formulation of a new EU intervention in the field of TVET in Egypt. | ETF | February 2023 - November 2023 |
LOT 4 - Human Development and safety net - Political Economy Analysis of the Social Protection Sector in Iraq | Iraq | The overall objective is to provide an in-depth political economy analysis of the social | EC | 2021 - 2023 |
2.7 System Change and Life-long Learning - Torino Process Review of policies for lifelong learning in Tunisia | Tunisia | The objective of the ETF work on System Change and Lifelong Learning is to support partner countries in the design and realisation of system change for inclusive and flexible lifelong learning systems, which enable people to develop the skills, competences, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to find employment, realise their potential, contribute to the societies they live in irrespective of where they come from, and stay resilient in times of technological, socio-economic and demographic transformation. The objective of the requested service is to support ETF in implementing the reviews of LLL policies in selected countries. International expert Tunisia review, Cat I | ETF | November 2022 - June2023 |
2.7 System Change and Life-long Learning - Torino Process 2022-2024 Level 1 System performance monitoring | Azerbaizhan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Ukraine, Kosovo, Montenegro, Armenia, Palestine, North Macedonia, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan | In-country experts to support the national Torino Process (TRP) coordinators in the compilation of a country questionnaire. The objective of the requested service is to support ETF in the implementation of the TRP level 1. For each ETF partner country to be covered by this assignment, this includes the provision of an in-country expert who will prepare a first draft of responses to the questionnaire for that country on behalf of the national Torino Process coordinator and validate these responses with the national coordinator before submitting them to the ETF. Each expert will also be stand-by to revise the responses if needed, upon feedback by the ETF and/or the national Torino Process coordinator. Depending on the country, the questionnaire responses can be prepared in English, Russian, on French. | ETF | November 2022 - December 2022 |
"Trade assistance interim project in Mongolia”, FWC SIEA 2018 - LOT 2 | Mongolia | Support to the European Union Delegation to Mongolia in improving trade relations between the European Union and Mongolia, to facilitate the European Union and Mongolia’s trade relations through assistance in improvement of trade related legislations and capacity building for improved export opportunities, to provide assistance to the process of adoption of the draft “Foreign Trade Policy Law“. Assess the final draft of the Foreign Trade Policy Law from the WTO perspective. Assistance to the Trade Facilitation Agreement Commitments. To provide assistance in increasing Mongolia’s export to the EU under GSP+ by organising online workshop on EU requirements for import. | EC | 2021-2022 |
Support the Government of Azerbaijan in development of export strategy and support in its implementation FWC SIEA 2018 – LOT 2 | Azerbaijan | Support to the Government of Azerbaijan in enhancing competitiveness and expanding export opportunities through the development of non-oil exports that will also contribute to the mitigation of Covid-19 negative economic impacts. To contribute on increasing the country's non-oil export potential by establishing an effective system for coordinating, tracking and reporting on the implementation of national export policies and strategies, enhancing the service delivery capacity of AzPromo and aligning its strategic goals with the best practices of global trade promotion organizations, international alignment of Azerbaijan quality infrastructure system. | EC | 2020- 2022 |
Technical Assistance on Foreign Trade, Export, Promotion, and Trade Agreements – Trade & Domestic Market Enhancement Program - TDMEP | Egypt | Technical Assistance on Foreign Trade, Export, Promotion, and Trade Agreements – Trade & Domestic Market Enhancement Program – TDMEP’. The contract assisted in the implementation of trade related reforms to increase Egypt's benefit from international trade policy and agreements for trade liberalization, especially towards the EU market. Provided assistance to the Ministry, support to Minister’s Office, the Strategy and Policy Unit the Minister’s Office, the Trade Agreement Sector (TAS), the General Organization for Export and Import Control (GOEIC), with inclusion of private sector representatives. | EC | 2015-2019 |
Development and implementation of trade policies and regulations in the Republic of Kazakhstan, DITP EuropeAid/128463/C/SERJKZ | Kazakhstan | Overall objective of the Project WAS to support the further integration of Kazakhstan into the world economy, to increase the capacity of Kazakhstan in the process of wider economic, regulatory, legal and administrative reform necessary for further trade liberalization in order to promote economic development. The project results contributed to improving the quality of goods produced by Kazakhstani industries, particularly those enterprises whose products will be certified in accordance with international standards. Furthermore, Kazakhstan’s consumers will significantly benefit from the project, as access to high quality goods will be facilitated". | EU | 2010-2013 |
Support to the implementation of the agreements between Republic of Moldova & EU EuropeAid/125947/C/SER/MD | Moldova | The overall objective of the project was to assist the Moldovan Authorities in implementing the priorities set out in the EU – Moldova bilateral agreements. The specific objectives of the project: 1/ To support and monitor the implementation of the measures established in the current as well as future bilateral agreements between the EU and the Republic of Moldova within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement; 2/ To support the legal approximation process in the Republic of Moldova in the sectors agreed between Moldova and the EU within the framework of the ENPAP as well as its effective implementation; 3/ To increase effectiveness of coordination of EU aid assistance by Moldovan authorities as well as the coordination of EU-funded initiatives with the ones or other donors. Results to be achieved by the Consultant: | EC | 2008-2012 |
Kazakhstan, Support for the Development of the Policy Dialogue Advice Programme (PDAP) EuropeAid/125464/C/SER/KZ | Kazakhstan | Overall objectives of the project was to support Kazakhstan’s efforts in fostering reforms and increasing competitiveness of the country as well and efficiency/effectiveness of the State programming documents. To strengthen relationships between EU and Kazakhstan by means of exchange of expertise, best practices, know-how and an enhanced policy dialogue process. Purpose of the project was to provide high level policy and legal advice to the Government of Kazakhstan through the establishment of a Policy Dialogue and Advice Facility, able to support the country’s political, economic and social development in the framework of an enhanced EU – Kazakhstan policy dialogue. | EC | 2008- 2011 |
EUROPEAID/121721/C/SV/KZ, “Support to the implementation of the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA) Phase II in the Replublic of Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan | Overall objective of the project was 1: To improve the country’s capacities in drafting laws, amendments and implementing regulations as well as applying them; 2: To strengthen the country’s capacities in identifying policy priority areas relevant to the PCA. 3: To improve the country’s foreign investment climate. 4: To raise the country’s trade turnover, in particular with EU Member States. Specific Objective of the projects to help strengthen the Government’s institutional capacities (the Parliament and Line Ministries ) with the aim to implement the provisions of the PCA, in particular those stipulated under article | EC | 2006-2008 |
Technical Assistance for the integration of ATU Gagauzia in the national framework for regional development | Moldova | The overall objective of the project was to empower local actors in Gagauzia to enable them to implement and monitor development priorities in cooperation with Moldovan central authorities, to provide support building the capacity of local authorities to implement regional development related activities according to the standards and practices in other regions (south, centre and north regions). The project delivered regional strategic planning support and support to project formulation for accessing regional development funds. Three overall activities were implemented: 1. Analytics enabling us to support the creation of a Sector Working Group on Tourism Development and work together with RDA and SWG – and other development partners - to develop the sector plan for tourism development and an adjoint project pipeline. 2. Capacity building, creation of a knowledge base and information events for 7 different target groups, incl. local, regional and national actors. 3.Support to the establishment and implementation of CBM IV, a regionally managed grant scheme for local small-scale infrastructure under the headline “economic development”, which is a regional priority for ATU Gagauzia and a development priority for the state of Moldova. | EC | 2017-2020 |
“Support to implementing anti-corruption strategies in Bosnia and Herzegovina’’ - EuropeAid/139068/DH/SER/BA | Bosnia & Herzegovina | The overall objective of the Project was to strengthen the capacities of institutions in BiH in implementing the anti-corruption strategies and related action plans at the different levels of government with the aim to prevent, respectively reduce all forms of corruption in the country. The purpose of the project was to further enhance the capacities of the relevant institutions in BiH to effectively coordinate and monitor the implementation of anti-corruption strategies and related action plans with an harmonized approach as well as to better address corruption in the private sector. | EC | 2019-2021 |
Institutional Support to the Regional Hub of Civil Service in Astana | Kazakhstan | The project implemented the following tasks: Comprehensive analysis of the currently prevailing legal and institutional framework in the Republic of Kazakhstan, related, directly and indirectly, with the use of a competencies approach in the civil service, vis-à-vis the current performance management practices in the administrative civil service; Development of the Common Framework (Model), including basic and differentiated competencies; Development of testing programmes for assessing competencies and determining the level of commitment to the values of the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Development and interpretation of the business processes connected with a competencies-based assessment for determining the level of commitment to the values of the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Development and elaboration of regulations delineating and describing the business processes for evaluating competencies and determining the level of commitment to the values of the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Provision of guidance and training to the Beneficiary’s designated representatives on how to use the Common Framework of Competencies system and in determining the values of the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan; | UNPD | 2016-2018 |
EU-Central Asia Rule of Law Platform - PHASE II | Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan | The Rule of Law Platform phase I assisted in structuring the process of dialogue and exchange of best practices between Central Asian and European Union countries and between Central Asian countries themselves. It has fostered regional cooperation regarding the state of legal and judicial reform and government actions and the activities of other donors. It has provided training to judges, lawyers and civil servants and contributed to higher legal awareness amongst citizens. Pertinent issues such as uniform implementation of legislation, independence of the judiciary and legal professions and reform of the public prosecution were addressed. As capacity building and reforms require mid- to long-term efforts and the dialogue mechanism is set up as a continuing process, phase II equally seeks to respond to the current needs of the partner countries in the identified priority areas and is complementary with their national plans/activities (“issue-based leadership”). The overall objective of the project was to contribute towards the development of a stable and democratic political framework in the Central Asian partner countries, as established in the EU Strategy for Central Asia. The specific purpose of this contract was to improve the capacity of Central Asian countries to contribute to the modernization and reform of their legal and judiciary systems, by developing legislation and practices in line with internationally accepted standards and fostering dialogue with neighboring countries. | EU | 2015-2018 |
Civil Service Reform and Modernisation of the Government of Kazakhstan. EUROPAID/131109/C/SER/MULTI, CONTRACT No.268-776 | Kazakhstan | The overall objective of the Civil Service Reform project was to facilitate the formation of professional state machinery that is result-oriented and capable of implementing the long-term state development priorities. This project aimed at improving and developing the institutional capacities and HR potential of the staff of Agency for Civil Service (ACSA) and Academy of Public Administration (APA) in order to carry out an effective implementation of the Concept on a new civil service model and to achieve the expected results for the above-specified components of the state machinery reform. The specific objectives of this contract are divided to 3 components: 1. To support to the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs ("ACSA") while implementing the Concept on a new civil service model and developing correspondent legislative and other legal regulatory acts. 2. To improve the institutional capacities of the ACSA, the National Centre for Civil Service Staff Management (SMC) and HR services of the state bodies. 3. To strengthen the academic and scientific capacities of the Academy for Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (APA) to ensure that the system for training and professional development of civil servants and other public employee’s functions effectively. Development and upgrading of curricula, teaching plans, teaching methodologies, teaching strategies including case study and problem-solving learning. Assistance in the creation of academic schools in public administration. 4. Anticorruption issues. | EU | 2012-2016 |
“Provision of Expertise to Support ETF initiatives for Human Capital Development”, Framework Contract (FWC), ad hoq projects’ requests for specific expertise, - CON/13/ETF/0025 and the follow up FWC CON/17/ETF/0019. | ETF partner countries Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Montenegro, N. Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia, Egypt, Central Africa, Israel, Palestine etc. | The objective of the requested service was to contract services to ensure the availability of external expertise as and when required to support the implementation of the ETF work programmes. Inputs from experts in one or more of the following functions: Support to the European Union, Capacity building, Policy analysis, Dissemination and Networking.
| ETF | 2014-2017, 2018-2021 |
Technical Assistance for the identification and formulation of the EU cooperation with Greenland in the education sector for the period 2021-2027, FWC SIEA 2018- LOT 4 | Greenland | To support the early phase of implementation of EU cooperation with Greenland for the period 2021-2027 in the education sector. The specific objectives are to provide assistance in the identification and formulation of a support programme for the education sector in Greenland, assistance in drafting the required deliverables for the identification and formulation on the basis of the EU templates in force at the time of drafting. The future cooperation should build on the previous cooperation between the EU and Greenland in the education sector as identified in the Multi-annual Indicative Programme (MIP) for Greenland. | EC | 2021- 2021 |
Support the Ministry of Education and Science in providing data and initial evaluation for future VET Centres of Excellence, FWC SIEA 2018- LOT 4 | Ukraine | Support the Ministry of Education and Science in providing data and initial evaluation for future VET Centres of Excellence’ and providing data and initial evaluation necessary to enable the European Investment Bank (EIB) to carry out its full due diligence and appraise a loan operation for future VET Centres of Excellence. The Ministry of Education and Science was seeking to construct a VET Centre of Excellence in up to 10 regions across Ukraine with financing from the EIB. Inspection and evaluation of the existing preferred VET institution facilities and their location took place. Information necessary for the VET institutions’ educational offer and the future needs evaluation was obtained from three main sources: 1) applications of the Oblast State Administrations on establishing the Centres of Excellence, 2) data collected from the institutions prior to the Experts’ visits to the respective regions, and 3) information obtained during and after the visits to the institutions. | EC | 2021- 2021 |
Design of potential future EU-funded education sector programmes, FWC SIEA 2018- LOT 4 | Libya | To contribute to the design of potential future EU-funded education sector programmes and to increase the effectiveness of existing programmes. Provide a strategic sector overview: description of the sector as quantified as possible, stakeholder analysis, current and future sector strategies and plans, current and future projects – including from private sector or civil society, current and future donor involvement; Identify priority gaps and needs in the sector, where feasible with an initial broad identification of possible interventions, including initial quantification; | EC | 2021-2021 |
Assessment of possible intervention strategies for the General Education Sector in Zambia, FWC SIEA 2018- LOT 4 | Zambia | To assess which interventions would be the most effective and cost-effective for the EU to invest in, to contribute to ensuring an inclusive and quality education for all Zambians. Specific objective was to inform the EU of the most effective and cost-effective interventions for Early Childhood Education (ECE), primary and secondary education in Zambia. The requested services involved developing a framework of possible interventions in the following three education sub-sectors: Early childhood education and development (ECED), Primary education, Secondary education | EC | 2019-2019 |
Political Economy Analysis of the Social Protection Sector in Iraq, FWC SIEA 2018- LOT 4 | Iraq | To conduct an in-depth assessment and analysis of the social protection landscape in Iraq through the development of a thorough political economy review. The assignment focusses on identifying the key players in the social protection scheme, different strengths and challenges of each actor. The assessment/research assignment will attempt to understand the power dynamics including gender power dynamics that affect access to social protection programming in Iraq. | EC | 2022- 2022 |
Monitoring missions of the social protection support program in Morocco, FWC SIEA 2018- LOT 4 | Morocco | To contribute to the reduction of inequalities, the improvement of social cohesion and the tangible improvement of the human development of Moroccan society by promoting equitable access to social and basic services according to a right. Specific Objective was to: 1) Contribute to regular monitoring of the implementation of the program "Support to social protection in Morocco"; 2) Check the conditions and measures relating to the disbursement of the different tranches of the program's budget support.3) Support the sectoral dialogue in place with all stakeholders in the sector (Moroccan institutions and donors). | EC | 2019- 2020 |
External performance monitoring of SUCCESS decision 037462, FWC SIEA 2018- LOT 4 | Pakistan | To assist the EU Delegation to Pakistan to secure proper monitoring of the implementation of the above-mentioned decision for the grant and technical assistance contract components. The specific objective of this contract was to assist the EU Delegation to Pakistan in performing monitoring activities of EU-funded contracts under SUCCESS decision and to enable the Government of Sindh from 2016 to support and sustain community-driven local development initiatives throughout the province, through the provincial budget, based on a dedicated and costed policy in partnership with Community Institutions (CIs), the provincial government working along with districts and communities to define the basis for formulation of a local development policy in consideration of the learnings from the previous programmes. | EC | 2019- 2021 |
Final Evaluation of the Human Resources Development Programme Phase 1 Project, FWC SIEA 2018- LOT 4 | Papua Nea Guinea | To provide the relevant services of the European Union, the interested stakeholders and the wider public with an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the Human Resources Development Programme Phase 1 project, results measured against its expected objectives; the reasons underpinning such results; key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations to improve future Actions. The evaluation served to understand the long-term effects and sustainability of the HRDP1 project, it's enabling factors and issues that hindered delivery to inform any future planning for interventions in the Education Sector. The evaluation team considered whether gender, environment and climate change were mainstreamed; the relevant SDGs and their interlinkages were identified; the principle of Leave No-One Behind and the rights-based approach methodology was followed in the dentification/formulation documents and the extent to which they have been reflected in the implementation of the Action, its governance and monitoring; | EC | 2019- 2019 |
Mid-term evaluation of TVET Practical Partnership for Nepal (TVET-PP), FWC SIEA 2018- LOT 4 | Nepal | The focus of evaluation was on the assessment of achievements, the quality and the results of Actions in the context of an evolving cooperation policy with an increasing emphasis on result-oriented approaches and the contribution towards the implementation of the SDGs. The main objectives was an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the SAKCHYAMATA and DAKCHYATA and its impact on overall EU- Nepal Practical Partnership for Technical Vocational Education and Training reform program (TVET- PP) including possibility of Sector wide approach which could lead to a Budget Support approach for future intervention, ‘intermediate’ results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results; Key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future Actions. An assessment of the existence of a sector policy for TVET and its relevance and credibility in view of initiating a sector budget support operation for TVET. | EC | 2019- 2019 |
Providing support to implementation of the NDPHS STRATEGY, FWC SIEA 2018- LOT 4 | Russia | The objective is lifting health and social well-being issues hight i the regional agendas strengthen support and involvement of stakeholders in the NDPS -facilitated activities and increase the visibility of the NDPS ion the Partner Countries, both among policy maker and civil society. Specific objective was to organise a series of NDPHS symposium, scientific forums (events) producing an evidence-based policy brief/report on the subject of the event. Organising 3 scientific workshops to support PYLL. Report on affordability and cross-border trade of alcohol in the Northern dimension area | EC | 2020- 2022 |
Policy and Legal Advice Centre (PLAC) | Serbia | The overall objective of the Project was “to improve policy and legislation processes at the central level in view of accelerating Serbia’s preparation for EU accession and to improve the current system of legal harmonization and approximation with EU legislation, to support the development of national legislation aligned with the acquis, and to ensure proper implementation of the legislation, including the necessary by-laws and enforcement mechanisms. | EU | 2013-2015 |
UZ-Tashkent: DCI — Further strengthening of bicameral parliamentary system and of communications between the Parliament and the regional assemblies EuropeAid/130774/C/SER/UZ, CRIS No. 278-482 | Uzbekistan | The overall objective of the Project is to support the current process of reforms, and further democratisation in Uzbekistan by modernizing the Uzbek Parliament and reinforcing its relationship with society. Objective 1 - Capacity Building: Increase the effectiveness of the legislative process and to reinforce the parliamentary mechanisms for monitoring law implementation at different levels in line with EU and international best practices combined with national experience and parliamentary traditions. Objective 2 – Networking: Create an information / communication network that will ensure continuous and clear interaction between the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, the Jokargy Kenes and local Kengashes of peoples’ deputies (at viloyat level). Objective 3 - Public Awareness: Increase the awareness of the Uzbek society in the role and functioning of the Parliament, improving public and NGO Participation and involvement in discussing draft legislation at different stages. | EU | 2012-2014 |
Services to Support ETF Project Activities in Morocco | Morocco | Services to Support ETF project activities in Morocco. Services A: Organization of project meetings in Morocco (workshops, seminars, etc.) for the facilitation of the capacity building activities, policy discussion with the local decision-makers sharing of experience within the country and with other ETF partner countries. The main goal is the exchange of ideas through practical working meetings. This could be achieved through events for Moroccan stakeholders; Services B: Support to ETF country networking in the organisation of ETF missions to Morocco and bilateral meetings with Moroccan counterpart, translation of documents and working papers. The objective of this project was to support locally the implementation of ETFs activities in Morocco, provide, upon request, the two main types of services, which may also be closely linked | ETF | 2012-2016, 2016-2020 |
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