“Trade assistance interim project in Mongolia”, FWC SIEA 2018 – LOT 2
Market Surveillance Capacity Development, Northern Cyprus EuropeAid/140609/DH/SER/CY.1
Support the Government of Azerbaijan in development of export strategy and support in its implementation FWC SIEA 2018 – LOT 2
Technical Assistance on Foreign Trade, Export, Promotion, and Trade Agreements – Trade & Domestic Market Enhancement Program – TDMEP
Development and implementation of trade policies and regulations in the Republic of Kazakhstan, DITP EuropeAid/128463/C/SERJKZ
Support to the implementation of the agreements between Republic of Moldova & EU EuropeAid/125947/C/SER/MD
Kazakhstan, Support for the Development of the Policy Dialogue Advice Programme (PDAP) EuropeAid/125464/C/SER/KZ
EUROPEAID/121721/C/SV/KZ, “Support to the implementation of the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA) Phase II in the Replublic of Kazakhstan
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